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Name: BAXTER, Edward John (Dr.)

Birth Date: 22 June 1853 Norwood Green, Middlesex
Death Date: 5 Nov 1939 Hove
Nationality: British
First Date: 1875
Profession: CMS medical missionary in EA & Uganda
Area: EA & Uganda, Mochi, Chagga, Mengo, Mpwapwa
Married: In Ealing 9 Jan 1884 Clara Elizabeth Worsley b. 26 Sep 1853 Easton, Suffolk, d. 2 Oct 1935 California
Children: Beatrice Mary (Nash) (2 May 1888-7 Dec 1966)
Book Reference: Gillett, Watt, Thomson, Tucker, Hall, North, CMS, Ujiji, UJ
School: LRCP&S (Edin)
General Information:
Watt - 'We have never met in Africa a more Christlike man than Dr. Baxter - a most devoted follower of the Saviour, a faithful doctor, an indefatigable nurse, and a splendid cook. ......... When Rachel and Stuart Watt were both very ill with fever they were brought back to Mpwapwa and Dr Baxter and his wife nursed them 1885/6
Thomson - Sept. 1883 - Ngongo - mention of energetic missionaries Messrs Last & Baxter.
Tucker - on the occasion of 2 or 3 visits to Uganda of several months duration, had been enabled to do some useful work.
North - From Southall, Middx.; aged 24, dep London for EA 16-10-1875; began experimental industrial settlement at Shimba, near Moshi, settlement a failure, moved to Chagga, 1890; dep. Freretown for Uganda, 26-9-1892, arr. Mengo 25-12-1892.
CMS 1877 - Age 24. Of Southall Green, Middlesex. Edinburgh Univ. and School of Medicine. 1877 LRCPE and LRCSELM. 1877 Oct 16 to E. Eq. Mission - Mpwapwa as Medical Missionary. 1883, April 4 to England; 1884, May 23 to E. Eq. Africa - Mpwapwa; 1887, Jan 5 to England from illness; 1888, Aug 1 to EA - Shimba; 1890 to Mochi, Kilima Njaro; 1892-93 Mengo; Aug 7 to England; 1894, Sept 12 to EA - Mpwapwa. Married 1884, Clara Elizabeth Worsley who died 1935, Oct 2 Coronado, California. [Notes by Roy Dunstan] 1899, Sept 27 to UK; 1900 Sept 29 to Mpwapwa; 1902, July 24 to Kongwa; 1912 Aug 30 to UK; 1913 May 20 resignation accepted; 1939 Nov 5th died at Hove.
North - 'not a bad old chap but excessively religious' (Moffat, RH) Ujiji - 1877 Saadani - Here I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Baxter (MRCS, LRCP) strong and well ……… Edward J. Baxter, a doctor, began the permanent occupation of the CMS station at Mpapwa
Uganda Journal Vol 1 No 2 - Cook - The Journey to Uganda in 1896 - …….. A fine old caravan leader (Dr E.J. Baxter) who had come out as a missionary of the CMS in 1877, and whose station was at Mamboya, now in Tanganyika Territory, long before that part of the world became German East Africa. As skilful with his rifle as he was patient with the men, quite unmoved by misfortunes, and resourceful in difficulties he was admirable at his job. He retired in 1912 ………
Watt - Field secretary of the CMS Mission at Mpwapwa where he worked with his wife.
Hall - Missionaries at Mombasa photo 1895
[many children are listed in Ancestry Family tree, which says he had 2 marriages. But in his 1884 marriage cert he is described as 'bachelor'. The writer of the family tree has muddled him with John George Baxter]