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Name: McCLELLAND, William Arthur
Nee: bro of Robert McClelland
Birth Date: 1887 Clonmel, Ireland
Death Date: 13.5.1942 Nakuru
First Date: 1914
Profession: Civil engineer; farmer at Crumlin, Nakuru
Area: Nairobi, 1930 Nakuru, 1922 Naivasha, 1919 Nyeri
Married: Naomi Aileen Purcell O'Neill b. 1888 Longford, Ireland
Children: John Frederick Purcell (21.10.1916 Nairobi-23 Mar 1934 Nakuru); William Robert David (1921 Dublin-15.8.1940 killed in action Somaliland); Elizabeth Naomi (1927)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Gazette, Dominion, Ship, Red 19
General Information:
Gazette - 12/1/16 - appt. Personal Asst. to the Director of Public Works
Gazette - 14/6/16 - appt. Asst. Engineer, PWD
Dominion - Public Works Department - Railways - Engineering - District Engineer - 1930
Ship - Mantola 1931 with family
Gazette 28/1/1914 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Asst. Engineer, PWD - 8/1/1914
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, South Area - William Arthur McClelland - Asst. Engineer, PWD - Hurlingham Road and Mrs Naomi Aileen Purcell O'Neill McClelland - Hurlingham Road
Nakuru North cemetery - W.A. McClelland, died 13/5/1942, MICE, AND John Frederick Purcell McClelland 21 Oct 1916-23 Mar 1934.
Bombardier William Robert McClelland (1921-15 Aug 1940) is listed on the Hargeisa Memorial, Somalia
Red Book 1919 - Public Works Department - Assistant Engineer - W.A. McClelland
KAD 1922 - Assistant Engineer, PWD
Gazette - 9/8/1922 - Voters Register - Lake - William Arthur McClelland, Asst. Engineer, Lake Eng. Division, Kisumu
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List