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Name: HARVEY, Charles Augustus
Nee: son of Capt. Charles Alfred Harvey
Birth Date: 12 Mar 1913 Poona, India
First Date: 1919
Profession: With Department of Mines all his working life. Asst. Warden of Mines, Mining & Geological Dept., Kenya in 1939, appointed 1937. Originally Clerk, Medical Dept. 1929 - 31
Area: Kisumu
Book Reference: Gillett, Sitrep 2, Staff 39, Staff 53, Legion
War Service: Captain, 1/6th Battalion KAR, 1939-43
General Information:
Staff 53 - Warden of Mines in 1953
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 381).
Went to S. Africa