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Name: MORSON, Thomas Jarman

Nee: bro of Samuel Morson

Birth Date: 29 May 1869 Glascomb, Radnorshire, Wales

Death Date: 22 Feb 1941 Ceffnllys, Llandrindod Welld

First Date: 1905

Profession: Sawmiller

Area: Uplands

Married: In Llanddewir Cwm, Breconshire 19 Apr 1922 Annie Williams b. 12 Apr 1887 Llanddewir Cwm, d. 22 June 1965 Talgarth

Children: Evan Thomas (23 July 1923 Llandrindod Wells); Mary Elizabeth (23 Aug 1925 Llandrindrod Wells-23 Nov 1992 Pipton, Powys)

Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Playne, Macmillan, Red 22, Gazette, North, Red Book 1912

General Information:

Playne - BEA Sawmills - The demand creates the supply, and the demand for sawmills in BEA has been met in a way that must make the native marvel at the activity of the white man. Among the first to enter the field were the mills which form the subject of these notes. The mills, formerly known as the Limoru Steam Mills, are at Govt. Rd. Nairobi, and Limoru. There are 4 partners, Messrs T. McClure and A. Brinck, who manage at Nairobi, and Messrs S. and T. Morson, who look after the forest at Limoru. The firm started work at the end of 1905, 1 mile from the railway line and within 5 miles of Limoru Station. The logs are broken down at Limoru and re-sawn, planed etc at Nairobi ........... Joinery, furniture (to order), mouldings of all descriptions and fencing materials are supplied, while a speciality is made of wood suitable for waggon work, viz red stinkwood for body work and felloes, and black ironwood for wheels and brakes ............ The railway is supplied with sleepers ..…..…
Macmillan - 1930 - B.E.A. Saw Mills - The business …… is the second largest and probably the oldest of its kind in Kenya. It was started in 1903 by Mr Sam Morson in partnership with his brother, Mr T.J. Morson, who retired from it in 1923
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Dagoretti - T.J. Morson
North - Firearm registered Mombasa on way to airobi 18-4-1905
Red Book 1912 - T. Morson - Kyambu
Gazette 19/6/1918 - Dissolution of Partnership between Samuel Morson, Thomas Jarman Morson and David Owen Thomas carrying on business as saw-millers, merchants and contractors at Nairobi and elsewhere under the style or firm of the BEA Saw Mills dissolved by mutual consent. David Owen Thomas retires from the firm and the remaining partners continue the business.
Gazette 2/4/1919 - Dissolution of partnership between Thomas Jarman Morson, Samuel Morson and Henry William Sear carrying on business as Wagon builders and Blacksmiths at Nairobi under the style or firm of the BEA Wagon Works dissolved by mutual consent. Business will be carried on by Henry William Sear.
Red 25 has T.J. Morson, Nairobi.
Red 22 - T.J. Morson, Box 321, Nairobi

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