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Name: MURRAY, Thomas Jarvis MC
Nee: brother of Lenox Biggar Murray and son of Charles Frederick Kennan Murray
Birth Date: 9 Dec 1878 Cape, S. Africa
Death Date: 22 Aug 1936 Cape Town, S. Africa
First Date: 1910
Profession: Surveyed the Nanyuki District preparatory for European settlement. His relations worked two important farms in the district [1987]. Mrs George Murray of 'Marania' and her daughter-in-law Mrs Gordon Murray of 'Lolomarik'
Area: Nanyuki, 1930 Meru, 1920 Kenya Park Karissa Farm, Naro Moru
Married: 1. 1919 Rosamond Eustace Lafayette b. 1879, d. 22 Sep 1923 Naro Moru; 2. 1925 Gladys Herring-Cooper b. 1882 Beau Sejour, Guernsey, d. 1966 Islington
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Land, Red 22, Gazette, Seventy, Foster, KAD, Racing
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - C Sqdn. 14/8/14 - L/Cpl. 21/10/15; Cpl. 6/12/15; to KAR
General Information:
Foster - 'In 1911 Jarvis Murray trekked up to the Timau area accompanied by his brother Lennox. Jarvis was a surveyor and his early survey maps are still extant in the Nairobi Land Office. ...' ...... after his brother Lennox returned to England for good in 1925 'Jarvis continued to keep an eye on "Marania" and his own "Karissa" Farm, near Naro Moru until he retired to S. Africa, where he died in 1935.
KAD 1922 - Capt. J. Murray, District Committee Member, KAR Officers' Dinner Club
Racing - Owner of 'Harmony' - Winner of the Produce Stakes in 1914 - Capt. J. Murray
Land - T.J. & C.M. Murray leased 8074 acres at Kenya, Soldier Settlement Scheme WW1
Gazette - 10/2/15 - Partnership between Magnus Spence and Thomas Jarvis Murray at Nakuru as Licensed Surveyors, dissolved 17/12/14
EAMR has Thomas James Murray, Private, No. 235
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kenya Area - Thomas Jarvis Murray - Farmer, West Kenya and Rosamund Lafayette Murray - Married woman, West Kenya
London Gazette - 24/8/1918 - MC - For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He helped to carry a wounded officer for 200 yards under a very heavy fire, and assisted in repelling attacks made by superior forces of the enemy. At all times under the most trying circumstances he has shown marked courage, resource and endurance.
Edinburgh Gazette - 28/5/1919 - Bar to MC - For marked gallantry and splendid leadership, with which he inspired the whole battalion , at Tumba, 6th November 1918 and Maluna River, 12th November 1918. Though twice wounded at Maluna River, he insisted on returning to command his company, remaining until dark. He has at all times rendered invaluable service.
KAD 1922 - Committee Member, Mount Kenya Association.
Red 25 - Kenya Park, Naro Moru.
Hut - Surveyor
Gazette - 4/5/1921 - Presentation of Honours by Governor - Capt T J Murray - MC
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Kenya Province - Thomas Jarvis Murray, Farmer PO Naro Moru
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for 1st wife's death (weakness after various uraemic attacks)
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