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Name: HEMPHILL, Maia Sistare, Mrs
Nee: Anderson, dau of Claude Birkbeck Wright Anderson
Birth Date: 10 Oct 1931 Nairobi
Death Date: 2020
First Date: 1927
Profession: Farmer's wife
Area: Mau Summit
Married: Patrick Dawson Hemphill (1930-2018)
Children: two sons; one dau.
Book Reference: Gillett, Over my Shoulder, EAWL
General Information:
Memoirs of Maurice B. Tennent - 1927 - 'I gave a dance; and to this dance the Hemphills, Barkers, and 'Angie' Trench all Molo people whom I had got to know and with whom I had occasionally played tennis up at Mau Summit came .….'
Son David Robert Henry?