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Name: OSMAND, Gordon
Birth Date: 18 July 1890 Sydney, Australia
Death Date: 1963 St Austell, Cornwall
First Date: 1922
Profession: Civil engineer
Area: Njoro
Married: 1. In Richmond, Surrey 12 Feb 1916 Enid Ethel Ada Halsey b. 1897 Harrow, d. 1964 Midddlesex; 2. In London 1928 Jessie Victoria Austin b. 2 Mar 1895 Bethnal Green, London, d. 1978 St Austell
Children: Alexander Gordon (1918 London-20 Oct 1943 Chittagong RAF)); Joan A. (9 Mar 1922)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22
General Information:
Red 22 - G. Osmond, PWD, Londiani
Red 25 has G. Osmond, Chania Bridge,
Hut has G. Osmond 1922 Londiani AND 1925 Thika
Gazette - 6/5/1925 - Promotions - Gordon Osmand Assistant Engineer to be Acting District Engineer
1939 England and Wales Register living in Calne as civil engineer, with wife Jessie and family
Royal Aviator's Club certificate 17 Sep 1915