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Name: SCALLY, John Joseph MacDermott
Birth Date: 9 Apr 1875 Donnybrook, Dublin
Death Date: 1937 Kakamega
First Date: 1908
Profession: Farmer
Area: Kitale, Soy
Married: In Holborn, London 9 Oct 1926 Clara Florence Woodruff b. 11 Oct 1897 Deal, Kent, d. 6 Aug 1982 Uckfield, nurse
Children: John (1932)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Red 22, Land, Advertiser, Leader14, mini-Sitrep XXVIII, Red Book 1912, Gazette, North
War Service: EAMR has J.J. Scally - C Sqdn. 8/8/14 - QMS 10/8/14; SSM 26/9/14; Lieut. 6/12/15, RTO
General Information:
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Trans Nzoia Voters List expunged
Land 1909 - J.J. Scally - Grazing and agricultural, 2211 acres - Uasin Gishu - 24/4/08 - Leasehold under Occupation Licence from 5 to 99 years from 1/3/09 - Registered 22/8/09
Advertiser - 19/6/1908 - Mr Scally had his 8 oxen stolen by natives on the Guaso Ngishu Plateau
Leader14 - J.G. Scally - Uasin Gishu
mini-Sitrep XXVIII - John Scally [Kenya Regiment 3892] writes - '……. I must be one of the few people alive who can claim to be the son of a man who served throughout WW1 in East Africa . My father [J.J. Scally] started life in Ireland and went to South Africa in 1897 where he joined the Cape Police, serving in Mafeking throughout the siege, and until 1909 when he left and emigrated to Kenya. ……… He was 57 when I was born in Kenya in 1932, and sadly died 5 years later.'
Red Book 1912 - J.J. Scally - Uasin Gishu
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Plateau North - John Joseph M.D. Scally - Settler, Sergoit
Red 25 has John J. Scally, Sergoit.
Hut has J.J. Scally 1909 Farm 69 Eldoret and Pre WW1 Naisambu, Soy
Gazette 18 Jul 1923 has Mr Skally, Eldoret
Gazette 6 May 1926 has J.J.M. Scally
Gazette 15 Jul 1908 has F.J. Scally
Ditto 17 Jun 1930 has J.J. Scally
Ditto 11 Jun 1924 has J.J. MacDermott Scally