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Name: SORLEY, James Duncan 'Jimmy'
Birth Date: 28 Apr 1894 Leith
First Date: 1919
Profession: Railway contractor 1924, business manager 1947
Area: Kericho, 1964 Nairobi
Married: 1. Agnes 'Biddy' Bennie b. 1894, d. 13 Nov 1949 Kisumu; 2. Agnes Jane Baden-Powell McIntyre b. 20.5.1900, d. 1993
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 31, Red 22, Masonic
War Service: Royal Scots
General Information:
Masonic - Elected Member, District Board of General Purposes 1974
Masonic - District Junior Grand Warden - 1970
Red 25 - Uasin Gishu Railway, Eldama Ravine,
Red 31 - Glencairn, Kitale.
Hut - 1919 BEADOC,
Hut - 1930 Glencairn Est. Kitale
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Trans Nzoia Voters List expunged
Hut has Jim Sorley of J.L. Riddoch Ltd, partner of Leete, married to Nancy who died 1993. ALSO Jimmy Sorley 1923 partner with Leete Contract UR Nakuru
Gazette 9 June 1964 James Duncan Sorley is with Agnes Jane Baden Powel McIntyre Sorley PO Box 9797 Nairobi
Gazette 17 Jan 1950 wife's probate
Kisumu cemetery - in loving memory of Agnes Bennie Sorley (Biddy) who passed away 13th Nov 1949