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Name: SPARROW, David

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Nee: bro of Christopher R. Sparrow

Birth Date: 1 July 1867 Cawoods Post, Eastern Cape, S. Africa

Death Date: 17 Mar 1963 Johannesburg

First Date: 1911

Profession: Farmer

Area: Farm 40, Uasin Gishu, 1925 Tarakwa, 1930 Kaboret Springs, Eldoret

Married: In Rokeby Park, Bathurst, S. Africa 18 Mar 1896 Sarah Ann 'Sally' Pittaway b. 8 June 1871 Rokeby Park, d. 6 Jan 1942 Simonstown, S. Africa

Children: Alvina Maud (Colly) (23 Mar 1899 S. Africa-1985 Suffolk); Herbert Vivian (1902 Plumstead, Cape Town-25 Nov 2001 Fleet, Hants.)

Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, EAWL, Hut, Red 22, Gazette, Leader14, Red 19, Mills Norfolk

General Information:

Source - Herbert V. Sparrow - the Ox Waggon they brought with them from S. Africa was later donated to the Norfolk Hotel by H.V. Sparrow.  My father farmed at Burnt Forest and we first lived in waggons and tents, then built a daub and wattle house with thatched roof which was home for about ten years, and finally a timber house was built. My father was at one time Chairman of the KFU.
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Uasin Gishu Plateau - D. Sparrow, Farm No. 40
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Plateau South - David Sparrow - Farmer, PO 40
Red Book 1919 - Southern Uasin Gishu Farmers' Association, Kerita - President - D. Sparrow
Red 25 - President, Southern Uasin Gishu Farmers' Association
Mills Norfolk - An ox-wagon of the type in which the South African immigrants arrived and traversed the country, is one of the hotel's several precious museum pieces. The Sparrow family, to whom it belonged, arrived in BEA by steamship to anchor in Mombasa's Old Port on 24 December 1911, where the wagon, which was manufactured in South Africa, was off-loaded and railed to Londiani Station, the railhead of the northwestern highlands. After assembly and preparation and the arrival of a team of 16 oxen purchased from Lord Delamere, complete with gear and driver, the wagon was ready for its future work in Kenya.
On 12 January 1912 it was fully loaded with all the necessary equipment for David Sparrow, his wife and son to move on up to Burnt Forest in the Lessos are of the Uasin Gishu Province, where Sparrow was to be employed by Dr Harry Bridgeman to open up his farm there, virgin soil.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Uasin Gishu Voters Roll

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