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Name: SULLIVAN-TAILYOUR, Edward Robert
Birth Date: 1894 possibly S. Africa
First Date: 1912
Profession: Police
Area: Nairobi, 1925 Kisumu
Married: b. 1897 [Edith Mary Jagger b. 21 Aug 1894, d. 1969 Taunton, was m. to Eric Eyre Sullivan Tailyour b. 28 Aug 1894 Durban, d. 1969 Taunton]
Children: Patrick Robert (1921)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Barnes, Dominion, HBEA, Red Book 1912, Red 19
War Service: E Af Police, East African units
General Information:
Early player for Kenya Police Rugby Club - 1930s
Dominion - Superintendent of Police - 1930
KAD 1922 Asst. Superintendent of Police.
Red 31 has E.A. Sullivan-Tailyour
Red 22 - E.R.S. Taylor, Asst. Superintendent of Police
Red Book 1912 - E.R.S. Taylor - Naivasha
Red Book 1912 - Police Dept. - Inspector
Red Book 1919 - Asst. Superintendent of Police - E.R.S. Taylor
HBEA 1912 - Inspector of Police, Mombasa