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Name: THEUNISSEN, Edgar Daniel
Nee: Edgar Daniel Lafarque
Birth Date: 13 July 1884 Sea Point, Cape, S. Africa
Death Date: 14 Oct 1940 Sea Point, Cape Town
First Date: 1913
Last Date: 1933
Profession: Police Inspector
Area: Mombasa, 1925 Nairobi, 1922 Lumbwa
Married: In Naivasha, Constance Meta Caws b. 8 Apr 1891 Isle of Wight, d. 1975 Pietermaritzburg
Children: Hester Geraldine (Bailey) (5 Nov 1917 Naivasha-6 Oct 2011 Pietermaritzburg); Elizabeth Nancy (Brink) (14 June 1922 Lumbwa-3 Dec 1965 Cape Town)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Dominion, Gazette, Red 19
General Information:
Notes in FamilySearch Born Lafarque although was always known by his mother's surname Theunissen. He was unable to remember his father at all, and thought he died up in the gold fields. His mother died at the age of 28. He told his daughter that his father left his mother when he was very small. His grandmother did a lot for him. He attended SACS college for a while, and left school at 16 to join the Boer War. He spent a few years with the Cape Mounted Police, then went to British East Africa (Kenya) in 1912. He died in Cape Town in 1940. He had black hair and very blue eyes, was good at ball games, very shy, and was very musical (as was his mother). When a Widows and Orphans Fund was started in Kenya he was required to produce his birth certificate, claimed he didn't have one, applied for it and was told none existed. However he did this under the name Theunissen and "never let on about the Lafarque name". His wife went looking for his mother's grave after he had died, and found out about the Lafarque name.
Dominion - Superintendent of Police - 1930
Gazette 1/8/1913 - Police Examinations for promotion - Asst. Inspector E.D. Theunissen
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, North Area - Edgar Daniel Theunissen - Inspector of Police, Fort Hall
Red Book 1919 - Police Dept. - Inspector
Gazette - 27/6/1933 - Departed on leave pending retirement - Superintendent of Police - E.D. Theunissen
KAD 1922 - Inspector of Police, Mombasa
Gazette - 5/8/1925 - Voters Register - Kenya Province - Edgar Daniel Theunissen, Asst. Superintendent of Police, PO Nyeri and Constance Meta Theunissen, PO Nyeri