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Name: WATCHAM, Stanley Denehy
Nee: son of Sarah Watcham
Birth Date: 29 Apr 1873 Bangalore, India, bapt. 12 Nay
Death Date: 11 Mar 1948 Lamu
First Date: 1915
Profession: Farmer
Area: Nairobi, 1925 Gilgil, 1930 Thomson's Falls, Lamu
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Red 22, Gazette, Red Book 1912, Patricia Lott Page
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - 20/3/16
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Tana River - Sydney D. Watcham
Red Book 1912 - Watcham - Nairobi
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - Stanley Denehy Watcham, Muarin Riu, Ruaraka
Patricia Lott Page - The Watcham family were in Kenya, first arriving in Mombasa in 1899 from the Straits Settlements, originally from Bangalore. They were variously coffee planters and farmers, at the 'Riverside' plantation in Nairobi (the subject of the famous law case, which is often quoted in boundary disputes), Gilgil and Thomson's Falls.
Stanley Denehy Watcham - probably did not marry
Gazette 8 June 1948 probate
Info from Noel Clark: Stanley Denehy Watcham was born 29th April 1873, baptised 12th May 1873 at Bangalore, India, and died 11th March 1948 at Lamu, Kenya. Stanley served with the Straits Settlements Police for 12 years before moving to Kenya and taking up farming. It is believed that he did not marry and that he had no issue.
He joined the Straits Settlements Police in 1891. He was an Acting Sergeant in Penang in 1896, later an Inspector in Province Wellesley (where he was mauled by a tiger) and also in Penang and Singapore. There are numerous references to him in historical Singapore newspapers. In 1901 following a robbery at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank he was one of a number of police charged with assaulting suspects to obtain confessions; curiously I am not able to find the outcome of the trial. At the end of 1903 after 12 years’ service Stanley went on “long leave,” travelling to New York via the United Kingdom. He left the Straits Settlements Police in 1907.