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Name: HUTCHINSON, Henry (Capt. RNR)
Birth Date: 20.5.1869 Dublin
Death Date: 9 Oct 1920 Mombasa
First Date: 1903
Last Date: 1920
Profession: Marine Dept Uganda Railways, Capt s.s. William MacKinnon
Area: Uganda, Acting Super. Uganda Railway Marines, Kisumu 1914
Book Reference: Gillett, Roosevelt, EAHB 1905, Hut, North, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, UJ, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, SS, Barnes, Gazette, Red 19
War Service: In charge of armed patrols on Victoria Nyanza
General Information:
EAHB 1905 - Lieutenant of HMS 'Terrible'; served during Boer War, 1900 (South African Medal); landed in charge of one 12 pounder and 3 maxims in N. China 1900; served in defence of Tientsin and was in charge of a 12 pounder with the Russians at the taking of Tientsin Native city; served with Peking relief force till invalided (China Medal 1900; Relief of Peking Clasp); Passed for Extra Master Square Rigged ships, Oct. 23rd 1897; appointed Captain of s.s. 'William Mackinnon', Uganda Marine Dept., March 26th 1903.
Drumkey 1909 - Captain, SS William Mackinnon, Kisumu, March 26th 1903; RWRBA War 1900 (Medal); Defence and Capture of Tientsin and Pekin Relief Force (China Medal with Clasp); Extra Master, Steam 1894; Extra Master, Square Rigged Ships 1897.
Uganda Journal - Vol 22, p. 186 - Group photograph of Uganda officials November 1907.
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Capt. H. Hutchinson, RNR, Sports Club, St James' Square, London, SW1 - Farm 726
Mombasa Mbaraki cemetery - Henry Hutchinson (Commr. RNR), died 9 Oct 1920 age 54, European Hospital, Bright's Disease. Inscription: in loving memory / of / Captain Henry / Hutchinson R.D. R.N.R. / of Dublin / who died at / Mombasa Hospital / on the 9th October 1920 / Uganda Marine / Service from March / 1903 to April 1917 / retired Oct 1919
Gazette - 1/2/1906 - Commander Wm Mackinnon - arrived from England from leave - 27/1/1906
Red Book 1919 - Railway Dept. - Suptdt. Busoga Marine
Roosevelt - Head of the water transportation service in Uganda ....... he had a narrow escape from an elephant he had wounded.