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Name: WINSLAND, Darrell Frank
Nee: bro of Noel Howard Winsland
Birth Date: 31 Mar 1889 Dibrugarh, Bengal, India
Death Date: 6 June 1962 Tunbridge Wells
First Date: 1922
Profession: Winsland Bros. Farmers
Area: Nakuru, 1930 Kibigori, 1922 Molo
Married: In West Kensington 14 Dec 1917 Dorothy Eleanor Troup b. 1896 Northampton, d. 6 June 1962 Sussex
Children: Stuart
Book Reference: KAD, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Rift Valley, Gazette
School: Stockwell College
General Information:
Red 22 has D.F. Winsland, Molo AND Winsland Junior, Elmenteita
Rift Valley - 30 Aug 1924 - 'That a mixed American tennis tournament be arranged in 3 weeks time'
Rift Valley - 3 Dec 1924 - 'Suggested that a head boy be appointed from amongst the tennis boys, & that he be made entirely responsible for seeing that boys turn out of their hut immediately when wanted, as it is practically impossible for ladies to get a boy at all & very difficult for any other players.'
Rift Valley - Feb 1925 - 'Suggested that the club stakes for Bridge be reduced to one shilling a hundred.'
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 9 Aug 1919 - D.F. Winsland
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - D.F. Winsland - Farmer - Molo
Gazette - 8/7/1925 - Dissolution of Partnership between Darrell Frank Winsland, Noel Howard Winsland and Frederick Henry Ayres under the name and style and firm of Winsland Bros. Of Nakuru in the business of farmers
Hut has Winsland 1922 Elmenteita
Gazette 16 Apr 1963 probate