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Name: BARRATT, Allan Struthers
Nee: son of Edward Horner Barratt
Birth Date: Namaqua, S. Africa
Death Date: 16 July 1964 Nairobi
First Date: 1925
Profession: Broker
Area: Box 519, Nairobi
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Macmillan, Red 22
General Information:
Macmillan - 1930 - Brown and Barratt, Real Estate, Commission and Insurance Agents, Manufacturers' Representatives, Produce Brokers etc. - business started in 1926 by Mr H. Douglas Brown, under his name, and since early in 1928, when he was joined in partnership by Mr Allan S. Barratt, the firm's activities have extended very considerably. At Nairobi they operate as manufacturers' representatives and produce brokers. They hold interests in the Kenya Radio-Electrical Company and Craig's Sports House, two concerns started at the end of 1928 in Government Road. ….. Branches at Moshi and Arusha and an interest in a sisal estate at Moshi
Red 22 - A. Barratt, Box 148, Nairobi
Red 31 has A.S. Barrett
Gazette 24 July 1970 probate