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Name: BARRETT, Rupert William 'Ginger'
Birth Date: 1894 Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia
Death Date: 14 June 1972 Balwyn, Victoria, Australia
First Date: 1925
Profession: Victoria Nyanza Sugar Co. 1938; planter Kiamara Estate, Kiambu
Area: Miwani, Kisumu 1930 Kiamara Estate, Kiambu, Hut 1937 Ket Parak Est., 1952 Kapsimutwa Est. Nandi Hills
Married: In Victoria, Australia 1927 Hope Helen Blayney Mitchell b. 15 Jan 1904, d. 24 May 1984 Balwyn, Victoria
Children: two sons
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Ruiru, Foster
General Information:
Ruiru - Rupert William Barrett, Coffee Planter, Kiambu
Foster - Rupert William Barrett; 1919 Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer, Kiambu District Chaplaincy; Kimara Estate, Kiambu; Theta Farm, Ruiru; 1937 resigned to go home to Australia.
Hut has R.W. 'Ginger' Barrett, started Hill Barrett Motors, 1937 Cloucester Vale married to Lorna.
Hut - R.W. Barrett 1937 Theta Farm Ruiru
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Kiambu Voters List has Barret