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Name: BLOCK, Samuel Shabtai
Birth Date: 1849 Kirkl, Lithuania
Death Date: 21 Sep 1924 Cape Town, South Africa
First Date: 1906
Profession: Farmer
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Lithuania 1879 Ettel Rebecca Ester Solts b. 1854 Gelvonai, Sirvintos, Lithuania, d. 1918 Nairobi
Children: Annie Harria (1877 Lithuania-1939); Abraham Lazarus (18 Apr 1883 Vilna-1965); Freda (1891 Lithuania-1 Feb 1969 Nairobi); Lily Lucy (1888 Lithuania-1963)
Book Reference: Jane Clare Barsby, 'Abraham's Poeple' ,Red 25, Land, Advertiser, Gazette, Barnes, Glimpses, Red Book 1912, Red 19
General Information:
Land - 1912 - Samuel Block - Agriculture 507.56 acres - Kikuyu - 11/10/04 - Homestead, freehold - Original grants were registered in 1906, grantees J.H. Ross and R.M. Holmes for 315 and 658 acres respectively, now surrendered for new deeds - Registered 14/3/12 - [see also Simon Haller]
Advertiser - 12/11/1909 - Court - Samuel Block v Wolff Sulski - breach of contract - purchase of 20 tons potatoes; potatoes not healthy.
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - S. Block, Parklands
Nairobi South cemetery - Ethel Rebecca Block, died 10 Aug 1918, wife of A. Samuel Block
Glimpses - The year 1906 saw more arrivals of Jews from South Africa. ………… Members of Abraham Block's family were among the newcomers. His father Samuel, who had had to flee the Ukraine in 1892, had ended up in South Africa with a furniture business. In 1905 he was joined there by his middle daughter, Lily, an 18 year old dynamo.
Glimpses - Haller, Lily Block Memoirs - "My brother, Abraham, had left Russia some years before me and he was now farming in British East Africa. His description of the country, its beautiful climate and peaceable inhabitants, combined with the wonderful opportunities he said it offered, made my imagination whirl ……….. Eventually my father agreed to take me to East Africa to see for myself and he sold the business and house in Johannesburg …….. So in 1906 we set sail on the last stage of our journey to Kenya. I felt that at last we were going to a really new country, a country completely undeveloped and primitive and where my people could at last find a safe place to live."
Glimpses - After a few months with Abraham and his partner Rosenblum on his farm in Kiambu, to get the hang of things, Lily and her father bought their own farm, 560 acres of virgin land in Kiambu, Lily taking her friend Rosenblum's sister Bertha, for company. With them settled, Abraham went back to Russia in 1908 to fetch his mother, Ettel, and his youngest sister, 12 year old Freda.
Red Book 1912 - S. Block - Kyambu
Red Book 1919 - S. Block - Settler - Nairobi
Szlapak - Present at first meeting of Nairobi Hebrew Congregation on 17 Sept 1907 - S. Block
Szlapak - Elected to Committee of Nairobi Hebrew Congregation at first meeting 17 Sept 1907