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Name: BAILLIE, Francis William 'Frank'

Nee: brother of Arthur Alexander Baillie

Birth Date: 2 Jan 1876 Enfield

Death Date: 24 Oct 1962 Solai

Nationality: British

First Date: 1903 May

Last Date: 1961

Profession: Farmed for more than 58 years in the Nakuru district

Area: Nakuru district, Cally Estate Solai, 1909 Kisinana Estate Nakuru partner with Stanning

Married: 1. Mrs Helen Agnes (née Craven) Irving arr EA Jan 1904; 2. In Nakuru 18 Sep 1933 Daisy Marguerite Griggs b. 1893 Leicester, d. 20 June 1966 Nairobi (widow of Albert Reginald Allen)

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, KFA, Joelson, Rhodora, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Playne, Pioneers, North, Land, Red 22, Advertiser, Gazette, SKP, Leader14, Rift Valley, Red 1912, Red 19

General Information:

SE - F.W. Bailey - Oct 1907 
KFA - A director of the BEA Farmers' Association formed in 1919. .......... The two Scots brothers Frank and Arthur Baillie were pioneers of the Solai district, where in 1907 they sowed their first maize.    
Rhodora - 1949 - Mrs Baillie - blue spotted silk dress and large white felt hat (Ascot 1910) and white gloves - elderly husband. They had lived in Solai Valley for 34 years - husband bought 5000 acres for £35 - 40 years ago (ie 1909)
KAD 1922 - Committee Member, Rift Valley Sports Club
Playne - Kabaragi - Messrs. F.W. and A.A. Baillie are 2 of the very many settlers for whom BEA is indebted to South Africa where they had experience of farming. It was not till 4 years after their arrival in the country (1907) that they started farming at Kabaragi. This farm is 10,000 acres in extent, partly covered with scrub bush, and is 15 miles from Nakuru Station. Sheep and cattle farming are being carried out at present. A dwelling-house and 50 acres of land are fenced but the game plays havoc with the fences. ........... The farm is exceptionally well watered, for it has a frontage of 4 miles to the river. Irrigation furrows have been taken out about 1.5 miles. ......... The brothers are quite satisfied with the prospects, but would like to see a more definite policy with regard to native labour. They have a house in Nairobi with a large fruit garden attached. The Hon. A.A. Baillie is a member of the Legislative Council
North - Arr. Mombasa from India on shooting trip with brothers Arthur and Frederick Baillie, May 1903. Sportsman's Game Licence issued 3-6-1903; began farming in the Nakuru area 1903/4
Land - F.W. Baillie leased 5012 acres at Solai later sub-divided and 10742 acres at Nakuru
Land - A.A. Baillie and J. Stanning leased 9000 acres at Solai, passed to F.W. Baillie and J. Stanning
Land - 1907 - F.W. Baillie - Grazing, 5012.45 acres, Near Nakuru, 28-12-05, Registered 2-9-07
Advertiser - 9/4/1909 - Mr Russell Bowker has returned from the Lado Enclave and is in town. Mr F. Baillie, who accompanied him has also returned.
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Solai - F.W. Baillie (British), Settler
North - 'Admittedly an invalid and his recurring attacks are very persistently asserted to be free indulgence in alcoholic stimulants' (Sir Charles Eliot, FO2)
SKP - 1938 - Society of Kenya Pioneers - over 30 years in Colony - arrived Nakuru May 1903
Rift Valley - June 1925 - 'Re Golf. Invariably there is a shortage of caddies. It is suggested that when is the case members of the committee should act in this capacity.' [reply - 'considered a frivolous complaint']
Rift Valley - Secretary of the Rift Valley Sports Club in 1926
Rift Valley - Dec 1927 - Building Committee - W.J. Beeston, F.W. Baillie, A.W. Dalrymple
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 1909 - F.W. Baillie
Red Book 1912 - F.W. Baillie - Naivasha
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - F.W. Baillie - Farmer - Nakuru
Red Book 1919 - F W Baillie - Settler - Nakuru
Red Book 1919 - District Committees - Nakuru - F.W. Baillie
KFA - Present at first meeting of Wheat Growers' Association - June 1911. First Chairman of the BEA Maize Growers' Association. Chairman of KFA 1915-18.
Red 25 - JP, Solai
Gazette 8 Jan and 5 Mar 1963 probate required by Marguerite Bailey

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