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Name: BRINCK, Niels Anders 'Andrew'
Birth Date: 1877 Denmark
Death Date: 24 July 1956 Nairobi
Nationality: Danish
First Date: 1907
Profession: c/o Brinck, Sear & Co.
Area: Nairobi, 1930 Fort Smith, Kabete.
Married: Edith Ann b. 1879, d. 19 May 1949 (Nairobi Forest Rd cem)
Children: Rosemary (1916)
Book Reference: Land, Red Book 1912, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Red 22, Gazette, Bur, Red Book 1912, Red 19, North
General Information:
North - manager of Limuru Steam Sawmill at Nbi 1909
Playne - BEA Sawmills - The demand creates the supply, and the demand for sawmills in BEA has been met in a way that must make the native marvel at the activity of the white man. Among the first to enter the field were the mills which form the subject of these notes. The mills, formerly known as the Limoru Steam Mills, are at Govt. Rd. Nairobi, and Limoru. There are 4 partners, Messrs T. McClure and A. Brinck, who manage at Nairobi, and Messrs S. and T. Morson, who look after the forest at Limoru. The firm started work at the end of 1905, 1 mile from the railway line and within 5 miles of Limoru Station. The logs are broken down at Limoru and re-sawn, planed etc at Nairobi ........... Joinery, furniture (to order), mouldings of all descriptions and fencing materials are supplied, while a speciality is made of wood suitable for waggon work, viz red stinkwood for body work and felloes, and black ironwood for wheels and brakes ............ The railway is supplied with sleepers ..…..…
Drumkey 1909 - Public Works Dept. - Shop Foreman, Nairobi - A. Brinck - also listed in Drumkey 1909 as N.A. Brink
Drumkey 1909 Directory of Residents - A. Brink, Athi River
Gazette - 1/1/14 - A. Brinck - General Manager BEA Sawmills & BEA Wagon Works
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - A. Brinck, BEA Saw Mills
Nairobi City Park Burial Register - Neils Andrew Brink [sic], age 76, died 24/7/1956
Red Book 1912 - Committee Member - Nairobi Colonists' Association
Gazette 17/1/1917 - Notice that Niels Andreas Brinck has retired from the BEA Saw Mills as from 1/1/1917. The business will be carried on by Messrs Thomas Jarman Morson and Samuel Morson
Red Book 1919 - A. Brink - Saw Miller - Nairobi
Hut has A. Brink 1909 Athi River
Hut - 1937 Amberley Est., Kiambu
Red 31 - Mrs Andrew Brinck
Ancestry Passenger list for 1927
Land - 1911 - N.A. Brinch - Buildings, 4.8 acres - Nairobi - 19/7/10 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/8/10 - Registered 21/3/11
Red Book 1912 - N.A. Brinck - Nairobi
Gazette - 26/11/1929 - Dissolution of Partnership between Niels Andreas Brinck and Peter Ervin Andersen carrying on business as farmers at Kyambu under the style or firm of Brinck and Andersen
Gazette 11 Sep 1956 probate