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Name: DENNING, Reginald Ernest Vere
Birth Date: 1893 Sligo
Death Date: 9 Sep 1966 Nairobi
First Date: 1922
Area: Rumuruti, 1930 Ridge Farm, Gilgil
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Nicholls
General Information:
Nicholls - At Naivasha the farmer R.E.V. Denning refused to believe that his headman was a Mau Mau treasurer, although the man confessed later. Denning petitioned the Colonial Office, appealed to the attorney-general, brought a civil suit for libel against Mervyn Hill, the editor of the Kenya Weekly News, and gave the administration much extra work that it could have done without. In the end he had to be protected from other farmers who tried to get hold of him to tar and feather him.
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Kenya Province - Reginald Ernest Vere Denning, Settler PO Rumuruti
Gazette 6 Dec 1966 probate