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Name: FAGERSKJOLD, Axel Helge, Baron
Birth Date: 30 Sep 1871 Harna Parish, Sweden
Death Date: 23 Feb 1926 Jinia, S. Africa
First Date: 1914
Profession: Engineer
Area: Nairobi
Book Reference: Red 25, Medals, Bror
War Service: Boer War (on Boer side), EAMR
General Information:
Medals - East African Intelligence Department - Baron Fagerskjold, Warrant Officer Class 1
Bror - 1914 - The day before the declaration of war a few Swedes were assembled in my house - Erik von Otter, Helge Fõgerskold, and Emil Holberg, all now dead. Next day Erik von Otter and I bicycled into Nairobi and reported ourselves at the recruiting office which was already open. Von Otter went into the KAR and I myself joined a corps which had been formed by an old SA friend of mine named Bowker and bore his name Bowker's Horse.
Gazette 28 Mar 1917 H.B. Fagerskiold, Ukamba Jurors' list
In Boer War he was captured by the British in 1900 and taken to St Helena. Railway engineer in Transvaal.
Was a prisoner in a Boer concentration camp in S. Africa in Boer war - dug an escape tunnel beneath his tent.