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Name: FINDLAY, Peter Gall
Birth Date: 1888 ?Much Hadham, Herts.
Death Date: 2 Mar 1954 Nairobi
First Date: 1920
Profession: Farmer and transport agent
Area: Nakuru
Married: Florence Victoria Hillier b. 1891 Charlton, Kent, d. 22 July 1959 Nairobi
Children: Kenneth Gall (1917-3.3.1920 Nakuru); Denis Gordon (27 Jan 1920 Naivasha); Gerald Roland (29 July 1921 Naivasha-16 July 1940); Allan Anthony (23 Nov 1923 Nakuru); Esme Margaret (Bresler)) (11 June 1932 Kijabe-6 Oct 2016 Queensburgh, KwaZulu-Natal); Doreen Florence Mina (Keep) (17 Apr 1925 Gilgil-2018 Eltham, Kent)
Book Reference: Norden, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Barnes, Gazette
General Information:
Red 22 as Hut
Nairobi City Park cemetery - Peter Gall Findlay, died 2 Mar 1954 aged 66, and Florence Victoria Findlay b. 1891, d. 22 July 1959
Gazette 26/5/1920 - Dissolution of Partnership between Peter Gall Findlay and Roland Walter Harrison Leach, both of Nakuru and carrying on business at Nakuru and Songhor as Farmers and Transport and Commission Agents dissolved as from 17/4/1920
Gazette 4/1/1922 - Petition for Insolvency - Peter Gall Findlay of Gilgil
Hut has P.G. Findley
Freemason in Mombasa 1918
Blue Book 1915 Peter Findlay, Police appt 1 Nov 1914
Norden [who names him J. Findlay but this is most likely Peter Findlay] 1923 - Owner of the garage in Gilgil and busiest man in the valley .... weighing 250 pounds ..... for many years he was police sergeant in Mombasa, and during the War was in secret service in Southern Europe. Back in Africa [after WW1] he became a small landowner, but the garage business is the work of his heart. Apparently there is no road he does not know; no car he cannot mend; no weather that will keep him indoors. And, like myself, no drink that he will refuse after sundown. Irish, of course; that nationality may be taken for granted in Kenya unless definite statement to the contrary is made.