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Name: FITZGERALD, Terence Symons
Nee: bro of Cedric John Symons and Harold George Symons Fitzgerald
Birth Date: 21 Mar 1904 Stutterheim, Cape Province, South Africa
Death Date: buried 20 Feb 1981 Bathurst, Cape Province, S. Africa
First Date: 1925
Last Date: 1963
Profession: Farmer
Area: Kasarini Estate, Kiambu, Milton Siding Solai
Married: Anna Thomason b. 1902 USA, the widow of his brother Cedric; she died in the 1970s
Book Reference: Red 25, Hut, Ingwe, Pioneers
War Service: KR 1430
General Information:
Ingwe - In about 1930, after the death of Cedric Fitzgerald, Terence's brother, his widow, Anna, and her mother returned to the USA and sent for Terence to join them. Terence and Anna were eventually married (Ingwe says it was a "marriage of convenience"). Terence and Anna returned to Kenya in 1947 where they had a beautiful farm "Terranna" in the Solai district. They had no children. Terence and Anna left Kenya for S. Africa in 1963. Anna also died in the 1970s
Pioneers - Subukia - One day Terry Fitzgerald of Solai stumbled on a large python, and found himself wrapped round and round in its coils. There was no one he could call on for help. He managed to get hold of the reptile's jaw and tried to break its neck. It seemed a very long time indeed, while he felt himself more tightly squeezed and growing weaker, before he felt its backbone snap and the blessed relief as the coils relaxed. His hand was badly lacerated by the snake's teeth and he was bruised all over, but he escaped with his life.