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Name: FOSTER, Harold William
Nee: son of Herbert and Jessie Foster
Birth Date: 1896 Eccles
Death Date: 1979 Surrey
First Date: 1923
Profession: ex Indian Army, farmer
Area: Sirikwa, P.O. Hoey's Bridge
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Trans Nzoia Scrap Book
General Information:
Trans Nzoia Scrap Book - Article "The Kakamega Gold Rush" - A man named Ross, from Kibigori, found a very promising reef near Kakamega township. He joined forces with Foster and Forbes-Mangan of Kitale who financed the essential work. They were bought up by a London company and the well known Rosterman Mine grew up and continued to work long after most of the other mines had closed down.