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Name: KIRKPATRICK, Richard Trench DSO (Capt.)
Nee: son of Alexander Richard Kirkpatrick
Birth Date: 25.9.1865 Celbridge, Co. Kildare
Death Date: 26 Nov 1898 near Bukora, Upper Nile, killed in skirmish
Nationality: British
First Date: 1897
Last Date: 1898
Profession: Uganda Railway Survey Officer. Highly skilled, patient & ingenious. Surveyed Railway Route. Went with J.R.L. Macdonald to explore the districts adjacent to the Italian sphere of influence near the supposed source of the River Juba - 1897
Book Reference: Gillett, Permanent Way, North, UJ, DSO, Bright
War Service: Leinster Regt.
General Information:
North - Member of the Maj. J.R.L. Macdonald "Jubaland" expedition to the Upper Nile; Naivasha on way to Uganda 7/9/1897; Luba's Oct. Nov. 1897 during Sudanese mutiny; Dep. Kampala 1/6/1898 when expedition resumed; d. 26/11/1898, killed in skirmish with Nakwai tribe near Bukora
Uganda Journal - Vol 23, p. 195 - The Mutiny Memorial at Bukaleba - ……… Kirkpatrick was ambushed and killed in the Nakwai Hills on 26 November 1898. He is mentioned in Sir Albert Cook's reminiscences of the Sudanese Mutiny at UJ, 1 (1934), 92; and at UJ, 10 (1946), 160-2 there is reprinted from the Geographical Jouirnal, 13 (1899) his account of 'Lake Choga and Surrounding Country'. The circumstances of his death are related by H.H. Austin, 'With Macdonald in Uganda,' 1903, pp. 162-6.
Uganda Journal - Vol 25, p.84 - 1897-8 to East Africa with Macdonald's 'Jubaland' Expedition
DSO - London Gazette 20/5/1898 - In recognition of services during the recent operations in Uganda. Capt. Kirkpatrick died 26 Nov 1898
Bright - Letter from Austin to Bright - 15 Dec 1898 - …….. You will of course have heard of the murder of poor Kirkpatrick by the people at Nakwai. Tracy and I were 2 marches this side of Mani mani when we got the news, so pushed on straight for Bukora, where we met Macdonald and his safari. They had just returned from giving the Nakwai people a good hiding. Kirkpatrick's body had been recovered and buried in Nakwai.