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Name: HARNIST, Charles (Rev. Father)
Birth Date: 17 Oct 1883 Illfurt
Death Date: 26 Sep 1973 Langonnet
First Date: 1925
Profession: Spiritan RC missionary
Area: Kilungu, P.O. Ulu
Book Reference: Red 25, Hut, Red 22
General Information:
Henry J. Koren, Spiritan East African Memorial, 1994: After his classical studies at Langonnet and Gentinnes, Belgium, he was professed at Neuscheuern on March 19, 1909. He studied theology at
Knechtsteden and was ordained there on March 15, 1913. On April 26, 1914 he sailed for East Africa and was stationed in Bagamoyo. A few months later World War One broke out and he was mobilized locally by the German troops. Captured by Allied units in 1917, he was sent to the intemment camp at Maadhi in Egypt. After his release in 1919, he opted for French nationality and could return to East Africa in March 1920. He served at Nairobi for two years.
From 1923 on he taught in various schools in France until in 1938 he went to Martinique for pastoral ministry. After World War Two we find him again in France at Cellule and other places until his retirement in Langonnet.