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Name: HOLLAND, Henry De La Pole 'Hal'
Nee: son of William Tilston Holland and bro of William Pennefather Holland
Birth Date: 1897 Yoxall, Staffs.
Death Date: 15 May 1941 on war service
First Date: 1925
Last Date: 1941
Profession: Farmer
Area: Makutha, P.O. Ruiru, 1930 Kiptekat, Songhor, Naro Moru
Married: Mary Ursula 'Ba' Middleditch b.1900 Kensington (later Mrs Alex Graham)
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Legion, Red 22, Gazette, Mike Holland
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - C Sqdn. 25/10/15 - To EASC; Legion - Lieut. KAR 1915-18, joined Kenya British Legion 1936, WW2 Royal Berkshire Regt.
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Machakos - H. Holland, Kiboko Flats, Donyo Sabuk AND Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Machakos - D.P. Holland, Kiboko Flats, Donyo Sabuk
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Ukamba Area - Henry de la Pole Holland - Farmer, Miwa Ltd, Chania Bridge
CWGC - Second Lieutenant 147278 Royal Berkshire Regt who died on Thursday, 15th May 1941. Age 44. Husband of Mary Ursula Holland. Carlisle (Stanwix) Cemetery, Westmoreland UK