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Name: BAKER, Samuel White KCB, FRS, FRGS, Sir
Birth Date: 8 June 1821 Enfield
Death Date: 30 Dec.1893 Sanford Orleigh, Devon
Nationality: English
Profession: Traveller & Explorer, Hunter & Governor General, Sudan
Area: Nile Basin, Equatoria
Married: 1. Henrietta d. 1855; 2. Florence von Sass
Children: 7 children by Henrietta, 3 of whom died as infants
Book Reference: Gillett, Lovers, Chandler
General Information:
His whole adult life was spent in travelling, exploring and big-game hunting. Few men surely have been called upon to endure such hardships, terrifying experiences and super-human difficulties, all of which he surmounted, and for which he was eventually awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society. Later he was honoured with a Knighthood. After some years in Mauritius, Ceylon, Constantinople and the Crimea, he started out in March 1861 on his first trip to Central Africa, via Abyssinia, Egypt and the Sudan, accompanied on this expedition by his wife Florence von Sass. Together they faced many dangers, frustrations and illnesses of both mind and body. After many weary years he eventually discovered, in March 1864, a great expanse of water which he named Lake Albert. Retracing his steps he returned to England the following year. In 1869 he was appointed Governor-General of the Nile Basin, a position he held with wisdom, dignity and discipline until handing over to the command of General Gordon. (Gillett)
Lovers - Intro - Sam and Florence Baker - knighted, lionised by society and friends of Prince of Wales. ........ Behind this facade of fame, the unorthodox Sir Samuel and his beautiful wife, with her exotic origins, had much to hide. Queen Victoria picked up a hint of the truth - enough to make her refuse ever to receive Lady Baker. ........ Slave auction in Widdin in Bulgaria? when under Ottoman rule - Sam bought Florence ..…..…