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Name: MARTIN, William Harold 'Martini'

image of individual

Photo Source: East African Standard 18 Jan 1930

Birth Date: 1899

Death Date: 10.8.1970 Gillits, Natal

First Date: 1925

Profession: Smith Mackenzie & Co.

Area: Mombasa, 1930 Nairobi

Married: In Nairobi 11 Jan 1930 Helena Annie 'Peggy' Jansen b. 9 Aug 1905 Lydenburg, Mpumalanga, S Africa,

Children: Carina (Morrell) (1935 Glasgow-2008 Mombasa); Hilary (1938-2012 Kenya)

Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Karen 50, Ray Morrell

General Information:

Karen 50 - One of the original members of Karen Club in 1937
Ray Morrell - In 1956 I married Carina, elder daughter of W.H. 'Martini' & Helena Annie 'Peggy' Martin. Martini …. was an ex-RFC pilot who had come out after the war as a 'cadet' in Smith Mackenzie. In the depression he lost his job but managed to raise sufficient capital to establish a new agency house named Kettles-Roy and Tyson. He became a director of several companies including Airwork and EA Breweries. Peggy was a beautiful South African of Afrikaner stock, and still a very handsome lady in her 80s.

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