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Name: ROSE, Charles Morrison
Nee: both father and son of same name in Kenya
Birth Date: 23 Aug 1863 Leith, Scotland
Death Date: 9 Sep 1949 Ullapool
First Date: 1925
Profession: Farmer
Area: 'Loydiento' Gilgil
Married: 1. In Lanarkshire 13 Sep 1893 Edith Alice Pipe b. 20 Aug 1874 Irvine, Ayrshire, d. 13 Sep 1936 Nuneaton; 2. 20 Oct 1926 Isobel Margaret Fraser
Children: Lauchlan (10 Nov 1894 Highgate, London-9 Jan 1986 Saffron Walden); Mary (4 Sep 1896 Highgate); Helen (4 Sep 1897 Highgate-1980 Australia); Charles Morrison (3 June 1900 Highgate-3 Dec 1994 Cambridge); James Barclay (29 July 1902 Highgate-14 June 1923West Coker, Somerset)
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Hut
General Information:
Ancestry Passenger list Durban-Southampton 10 May 1926 for parents and son and wife. Son has same name so perhaps he stayed in Kenya. Father was retired, son was in agriculture
Ancestry Passenger list London- Beira 8 Jan 1960 Son of same name was b. 3 June 1900 and was m. to 1. Dorothy G. b. 1890 and 2, Bertha J. b. 11.7.1903