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Name: McELWAINE, Percy Alexander, Sir
Birth Date: 21 Sept 1884 Roscommon
Death Date: 24 Oct 1969 Devon
First Date: 1923
Profession: Crown Counsel, Kenya appointed 1923; Senior Crown Counsel 1926; Atty.-Gen. Fiji 1927; Dep. Pub. Prosecutor Singapore 1930; Atty-Gen. S.S. 1933; Ch. Justice Straits Settlements 1936-46
Area: Nairobi
Married: 1. In Battersea 17 June1914 Evelyn Annie Forsaith MacNaught b. 1885 Walsham le Willows, Suffolk, d. 10 Nov 1918 Wandsworth, influenza; 2. 1923 Margaret Marie Josephine Le Curieux Belmar b. 27 Feb 1892, d. 1976 Merton, Surrey
Children: David Erice; Ian Douglas (27 Aug 1925 Burma-10 Mar 2011 Horsham)
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 31, Colonial
War Service: Temp. Lieut. Royal Irish Rifles, BEF 1916-19
School: Campbell College, Belfast and Trinity College Dublin; called to Irish Bar (King's Inn) 1908, Alberta Bar 1913
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