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Name: BALMAN, Thomas Emile
Birth Date: 1909
First Date: 1913
Profession: Transport agent; joined the staff of the Magadi Soda Company, and served with them until he retired many years later. Before his death he lived at the coast for some time
Area: Duke St, Nairobi; Magadi, retired to Coast
Married: Antoinette b. 1910
Children: Frances Madeleine (1942); Marion Adele (1946)
Book Reference: Gillett, Hut, Harmony, Red 25, Red 31
General Information:
Member of Harmony Lodge - Initiated 6/12/48, age 39, Motor Mechanic
Gazette - 27/9/1927 - Dissolution of Partnership between Joachim James Delorie and Emile de Balman carrying on business as transport agents, carriers, furniture removers and exporters and importers at Nairobi under the style or firm of The Kenya Transport Company. Business to be carried on by Joachim James Delorie
Gazette - 27/9/1927 - Dissolution of Partnership between Joachim James Delorie and Emile de Balman carrying on business as transport agents, carriers, furniture removers and exporters and importers at Nairobi under the style or firm of The Kenya Transport Company. Business to be carried on by Joachim James Delorie