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Name: LINTON, Ethel Mary, Mrs

Nee: Oxley
Birth Date: 21.1.1868 Islington
Death Date: 13 June 1948 Nairobi
First Date: 1905
Profession: Did tremendous amount of social and Christian work
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Rampore, India 8.10.1894 Alfred Edward Linton (1867-1947)
Children: Maitland (1895-1895 Bengal); Phyllis (9.7.1896 India-1964); Marjorie (20.2.1900 India-1972); Colin Edward (25.9.1904 India-22.9.1910 Nairobi); Enid (11.8.1906 Nairobi-1990 Nuneaton)
Book Reference: Gillett, Land, North
General Information:
Land 1909 - …...M. Linton - Buildings, 2.54 acres - Parklands, Nairobi - 1/11/09 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/11/09 - Registered 8/2/10
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Ethel Mary Linton, Westlands, Nbi
Nairobi City Park cemetery - Alfred Edward Linton, died 25 Jan 1947 aged 80 AND Ethel May Linton, died 13 Jun 1948 aged 80