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Nationality: German
First Date: 1930
Profession: Farmer
Area: Eldoret, 1937 Cavelon Estate Kitale
Married: Jean
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Pioneer Spirit
General Information:
Pioneer Spirit - Gareth Mitford-Barberton - Wanting to see as much of me as possible before I went to England, my father withdrew me from the Prince of Wales School for my last term and I was schooled close to home by a Mrs Baldenhofer, an Irish lady married to a German farmer. There were 2 other pupils, Anne and Jill Matthews, whose widowed mother had married my uncle Alban. Mr Eugen Baldenhofer was believed to be a Nazi. Certainly he had a portrait photograph of Adolf Hitler on the dining room wall; certainly he had evening gatherings of German men at his house when they would converse (darkly in my view) long into the night; certainly he gave vent to outbursts of violent anger. All these I believed to confirm him as a Nazi and indeed he returned to Germany a month or two later. I had no doubt that he had been summoned to serve 'der Fuhrer'. Mrs Baldenhofer was said to have a bad heart and took tablets. She would swoon away sometimes during one of her husband's rages and I feared that she would die. When this happened he would stop in mid tirade, fearing he had gone too far this time but he never failed to revive her with some amber coloured fluid from a silver flask.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Trans Nzoia Voters List expunged