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Name: SEMLER, Ishmael Michael (Rev.)
Nationality: African
First Date: 1864
Profession: Church Missionary Society priest, carpenter
Area: Mombasa
Book Reference: Red 25, Red 22, North, Rabai
General Information:
North - CMS BEA - African Priest based at Freretown Rabai - The first of the freed slaves trained in Bombay came to join Rebmann in 1864. They were William Jones, a blacksmith, with his wife, and Ishmael Semler, a carpenter. They were soon joined by George and Priscilla David.
Rabai - The Rev. Ishmael Swemler retired in 1916 "after a service as CMS agent of more than 50 years, 31 of them as an ordained man" A boy from Mozambique, employed in a sailing ship as boat boy. In 1850, landed at Bombay. 1853, at Indo-British Institution under the care of the Rev. G. Candy (see Jones, William Henry and No. 411, List I). 1859, at Robert Money School. 1860, to Nasik. 1864, to the East Africa Mission, under Mr. Rebmann. 1885, May 31, ordained a deacon by Bishop of East Equatorial Africa (Hannington), and 1895, June 30, ordained a priest by Bishop of East Equatorial Africa (Tucker). 1885, Pastor at Frere Town.