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Name: SMITH, Donald Aggett

Nee: son of William Alexander (Rooken) Smith. Did not adopt name Rooken

Birth Date: 5.4.1893 Cathcart, Cape Province, S. Africa

Death Date: 15 Feb 1953 Thomson's Falls. Killed accidentally with own revolver during Mau Mau rebellion

First Date: 1925

Profession: Farmer

Area: Kijabe, Kaptagat, Soy, Rumuruti. Thomson's Falls

Married: In Arusha Bertha Elizabeth Montefiore d. Pietermaritzburg

Children: Geoffrey William Leighton; Peter Donald Howard (23.2.1935 Arusha-22.10.2014 Howick, S Africa)

Book Reference: Red 25, RS, Hut, EAMR, Gazette, Gillett

War Service: EAMR has Donald A. Smith - C Sqdn. 27/9/14 - 23/11/14

General Information:

RS - After WW1 Donald went to Arusha in Tanganyika where he worked as a manager on the coffee farm Vichers belonging to an American millionaire Mr Painter. When the bottom fell out of coffee in about 1937 Donald left Tanganyika and returned to his farm, Ol Moridgo, in the Laikipia district in Kenya. He took over from his brothers Frank and Lennox when they moved to Nairobi. Frank first going to stay with his son Sidney at Ol Joro Orok, near Thomson's Falls. Donald had a fatal accident on the farm during the Mau Mau emergency, when his revolver accidentally discharged. Geoffrey returned from Rhodes University to run the farm but soon died of an obscure heart complaint which had only become apparent whilst at university. His mother Betty took him to England but was advised that there was no hope for him. For a time, before Geoff returned Iris Rand-Overy's brother Reg ran the farm. After Geoff's death his heart was flown to England for further tests. Betty promised to do this. Peter then took over the farm and ran it until Independence when the land was taken over by the Kenya Govt. He then went into hunting and safari work.
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - D.A. Smith - Farmer - Naivasha
Hut also has Donald A. Smith 1921 Rumuruti
Gazette 21 July 1953 probate

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