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Name: SWANN, Sidney Ernest MA (Cantab) (Rev.)
Birth Date: 24 June 1890 Sully, Isle of Man
Death Date: 19 Sep 1976 Minehead
First Date: 1924
Profession: St. Mark's Chaplaincy, Parklands. Archdeacon
Area: Nairobi
Married: 1. In Lausanne 7 Aug 1917 Marjorie Monsell Abraham b. 12 Feb 1888 Atcham, d. 14 June 1972 Wokingham (sis. of Jasper and Charles Abraham and others of 10 children) 2. In Wokingham 1972 Ethel Margaret Forster b. 16 Mar 1914, d. 2007 Somerset
Children: Robin David Sidney (3 Dec 1920 Derby-5 Feb 2010 Cambridge)
Book Reference: Red 25, Benson, Harmony
School: Rugby and Trinity Hall, Cambridge
General Information:
Benson - Archdeacon and Mrs Swann … in Cairo ….. Swann had been vicar at St. Mark's Church, Parklands. …. He was a rowing blue and had been at Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
Member of Lodge Harmony - Joined 7/12/25, Chaplain, St. Mark's, Nairobi
Red 25 - Committee, Kenya Boy Scouts' Association
1939 England and Wales Register living in Bristol with wife and son, as Vicar of Redcliffe