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Name: McGREGOR, Neil Archibald

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Birth Date: 4 May 1873 Bumbolee, Tumut, New South Wales, Australia

Death Date: 1 Nov 1918 Naivasha, influenza

First Date: 1904

Profession: Official EAP Agric. Dept., 1912 - Gen. Mgr. Veterinary Stock Farm Naivasha

Area: Naivasha

Married: Annie Jessep b. 1874 Sydney, d. 1955 Ryde, Sydney, NSW

Children: George (8 Dec 1903 Newtown, NSW-26 May 1981 Brisbane)

Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Hut, Drumkey, Land, EAHB 1906, Gazette, North, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Colonial, Red Book 1912

War Service: 2nd Boer War

General Information:

Drumkey 1909 - Agricultural Dept. - Registrar of Brands - N.A. McGregor
Land - 1907 - N.A. McGregor - Building, 5 acres, Dagoretti Road, 14-8-04, Registered 17-10-07
EAHB 1906 - N. Macgregor - Nairobi
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Naivasha - N.A. McGregor (British), Manager, Government Farm, Naivasha
North - Arr. Mombasa from S. Africa via Lourenco Marques 13/3/1904; Firearm registered at Nairobi April-June 1905; representative in Nairobi for South African sheep farmer Dr F. E. Doering 22/5/1905
Leader14 - Manager, Naivasha Stock Farm, Agricultural Dept.
Colonial 1912 - Agricultural Dept. - Naivasha Stock Farm Manager - N. McGregor
Red Book 1912 - N.A. McGregor - Naivasha
Red Book 1912 - Agricultural Dept. - Naivasha Stock Farm - General Manager - N.A. McGregor
Gazette 1/2/1907 - Notice - As I have decided not to act with the Powers of Attorney granted me (through Dr. F.E. Doering) by the people named below, I declare them cancelled:- Mrs Ann Ingram; John Henry Ernest Wagner; John Wagner; Martin Wagner; Thomas A Kelley - signed Neil A. MacGregor - Naivasha 24/1/1907
Gazette 4/12/1918 - Probate and Administration in respect of N.A. MacGregor, who died at Naivasha on 1/11/1918
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for death
New Zealand The Press 12 Aug 1912 Mr McGregor says 'there are parts of East Africa admirably suited to wool production...settlers to buy native ewes and put pure-wool-led rams on to them and their progeny.' This, after 3 crosses, eliminates the coarse hair of the native ewe.
Birth registration is in Ancestry, but many documents give 5 May 1872 as birthdate

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