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Name: MACKAY, James Doull DSO (Lieut.-Col.)
Birth Date: 4.8.1866 Watten, Caithness
Death Date: 13.7.1945 St Column Minor, Cornwall
Nationality: British
First Date: 1900
Profession: Adjutant and Quarter-Master 3/KAR
Area: Nairobi, Kisii/Kendu
Married: In Farnham 1895 Maude Taylor b. 11 Sep 1874 Halifax, Nova Scotia, d. 17 May 1956 Cornwall
Children: Hugh Alexander (2 Oct 1896 Ashvale, Surrey); Anne Adeline Reay (Barbour) ( 9.8.1902 Ash, Surrey-1 Nov 1984 Torquay)
Book Reference: Gillett, Cuckoo, Ainsworth, Sitrep 6, Police, Moyse, Kenya Diary, Debrett, EAHB 1905, EAS, Hut, North, Playne, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, Harmony, DSO, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, SS
War Service: Middlesex Regt.; Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Hampshire Regt.
General Information:
Sitrep 6 - Africa General Service Medal 1902-56 - Nandi 1905-06 - This bar was awarded for service in Nandi country under Lt. Col. E.G. Harrison, DSO (RO), Maj. Walker (RF) and Capt. MacKay (Seaforths). Regiments present: 1,3,4, KAR and EA Police Force. Medals are known to an officer of the 'Mombasa Defence Force' and Capt. B.R. Graham, QO Corps of Guides.
Police - In 1905 two Battalions (3rd and 2nd) of the KAR under the command of Major J.D. Mackay and Lieut.-Col. H.A. Walker, were despatched against the Nandi. For a time I [Major Foran] commanded a Police column which was attached to the Expedition, but in October I was transferred to Mombasa, and Rayne took over the command of the Police column. Rayne was mentioned in despatches for his excellent service with the Sotik and Nandi Punitive Forces, receiving the EA General Service Medal with two bars (Sotik, 1905, and Nandi 1905/6)
Moyse - 1908 - Angered at the hut tax and other grievances, the Kisii went so far as to stick a spear into the back of their DO, narrowly missing his spine. Though the wound was slight and the official concerned did not take a very serious view of the incident, at Nairobi the matter was regarded differently. Police from Kisumu and troops from Lumbwa were despatched immediately. A punitive expedition was ordered under the command of Lt.-Col. J.D. Mackay that consisted of 9 British Officers, a warrant officer, a native officer, and 323 NCOs and men of 1 KAR and 3 KAR, equipped with maxim guns and accompanied by a force of armed police and Nandi auxiliaries. No serious fighting took place - about 150 Kisii were killed, and the miscreant who had caused the trouble was brought to trial. - 'A sledge hammer to crack a nut'
Kenya Diary - 1902 - Capt. J.D. Mackay met me at the station [Nairobi] and drove me up to our quarters. He is the adjutant and seems a nice fellow. ........ Mackay is a ranker, keen, of the sergeant major type, but most anxious to get efficiency. I like him. He won his commission at Omdurman; he is both helpful and considerate.
Debrett - Lieut.-Col. Hampshire Regt. (retired); Nile Expedition 1898 (medal with clasp), in Somaliland 1908-10 (despatches, clasp), European War 1914-17 (despatches, DSO); appointed Inspector of QMG Sers. 1919
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa North - Previously promoted from ranks for gallant service in the battles of Atbara & Khartoum 1898; appt. Lieut. EA Rifles 29/9/1899; Adjutant & Quartermaster, Mombasa Jan 1900; dep. for Nairobi 1/6/1900; At Yonte with Ogaden punitive force 11/12/1900; Appt. Staff Adjutant EA Rifles 1/4/1901; transferred from Dublin Fusiliers to Middx. Regt. & promoted to Capt. Nov 1901; 3 KAR; Nairobi 1902; Warden of Masonic Lodge Harmony, Nairobi 2/9/1905; 'Mackay is a ranker, keen, of the sergeant-major type, but most anxious to get efficiency …. he is both helpful and considerate' (Meinertzhagen, 1957)
Playne - Commandant, 3rd Battalion KAR
EA Diary - Lieutenant East African Rifles, Sept. 29, 1899
EAS - 29/1/1903 - Nairobi Races - Race 1 - Capt. Mackay's Line Clear nominated by Mrs Hatch ridden by Lieut. Barrett
Member of Lodge Harmony - Joined 1/5/05, regularised 3/12/06, Capt. Middlesex Regt., Nairobi
EA Diary 1902 - Lieut. - The East Africa Rifles - 1901
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Lieut.-Col. J.D. Mackay, HQ, Western Command, Chester - Farm 1365
Cuckoo - 1904 - Adjutant. i/c of force sent to Kisumu to quell anti-European Crusade at Kisii in 1908. 1909 - commanded part of 3 KAR in Somaliland.
EAHB 1905 - 3rd KAR, Nairobi, Adjutant & Quar. Master.
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