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Name: MACKAY, James OBE
Nee: Aitkenhead, sister of Christina Glasford McCall
Birth Date: 11 Dec 1884 Isle of Bute, Scotland
Death Date: 13 Mar 1965 Tiverton, Devon
First Date: 1911
Profession: Farmer; Founder member of KFA, well known judge of cattle
Area: 'The Sheiling', Rongai 1930 (bought from J.E. 'Jack' Evans). HBEA 1912 - Njoro, Nakuru; 'Kingarth', Sabatia (sold 1961); 'Grove Farm', Londiani (1961-4)
Married: Christina Glasford Aitkenhead b.13 Oct 1885, d. 1964 Nakuru, an expert on poultry; Samuel McCall married her sister Margaret
Children: Sheila Mary (Billinge) (13 Feb 1915 Nakuru-1998 Dorset); Margaret (Thurstan) (13 Mar 1920 Glasgow); John Archibald (20 Sep 1924 Glasgow)
Book Reference: Rift Valley, Gillett, HBEA, KFA, KAD, Red 25, Hut, EAWL, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Stud, Gazette, EA & Rhodesia
General Information:
KFA - Director of the BEA Farmers' Association in 1920. ........... James MacKay was a Scot, and he first came to Africa in Delamere's service. A farmer's son from Bute, he worked as a young man for a firm of grain merchants in Glasgow. One day, on the ferry, he got into conversation with a fellow-passenger newly returned from investigating the building of a wharf at Kilindini on behalf of a syndicate. A mad but rich English peer, this acquaintance told him, was looking out for young men with farming and business experience to train as managers. And so in a very short while Lady Delamere appeared in Glasgow and engaged him on the spot. Early in 1911 he found himself, together with a blacksmith called John Macdonald, at Equator Ranch, collecting from the long grass a great many implements of all sorts that had been abandoned there, and trying to restore them to working order.
Mr MacKay became a director of the BEA Farmers' Association in 1919 and is still, in 1958, a director of the KFA. No other member has rendered it such long, devoted, conscientious wise and honourable service. It has travelled a long way since Messrs. Toogood, MacKay and McCall sat down in its stuffy little two-roomed office by the railway track to re-organize its affairs. Mr MacKay is now the only surviving human link between that simple, inexperienced farmers' co-operative with less than 50 members and the ramifying giant with its ten million pound turnover of today.
KAD 1922 - Committee Member, Rongai-Lower Molo Farmers' Association
Ex Mrs Thurstan, EAWL Devon - MacKay and Sammy McCall went to Mombasa to meet MacKay's fiancee - McCall fell for the sister who came out as chaperone and married her.
KFA - Delegate to the Maize Conference of 1923 [photo]. Chairman of the KFA 1928-34 and 1949-53. President of the KFA 1957
KAD 1922 - Director of B.E.A. Farmers' Association Ltd.
Hut - Founder KFA
Later owned and farmed at 'Kingarth', Sabatia.
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - Jas. MacKay - Farmer - Nakuru and Chris G. Mackay - Married - Nakuru
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
East Africa & Rhodesia - 14/6/56 - OBE - James MacKay for services to agriculture in Kenya. One of Kenya's early settlers, who went to the Colony before the 1914-18 war and worked for the late Lord Delamere. Has farmed on his own account for many years, and served on important agricultural bodies. Chairman of the KFA Ltd. For many years.
Red 22 - Director, BEA Farmers' Association Ltd. - J. MacKay
EA Stud Book 1954 - Pigs - Large Whites - James MacKay, Kingarth, Sabatia
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Molo - J. MacKay (British), Farm Manager
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 1916 - J.J. MacKay
Returned to Tiverton, Devon, 1964
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