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Name: WILLIAMS, William Broadhead

Birth Date: 1877 Anglesey

Death Date: 24 June 1950 Durban

First Date: 1922

Profession: Farmer

Area: Londiani, Kitale

Married: In Bolton 1910 Mercy 'Annie' Bretherton née Pilling b. 12 June 1887 Bolton, d. 1975 Rochdale

Children: William Broadhead (1911 Bexhill); John (1916 Wigan); Nancy B. (1917 Bolton, d. 1918 West Derby)

Book Reference: Red 25, Hut

General Information:

Gazette - 22/11/1922 - Dissolution of Partnership between Margaret Napier, Robert Christie and William Broadhead Williams, has been dissolved as from 4 November 1922
Gazette - 8/1/1929 - Bankruptcy Ordinance - William Broadhead-Williams of Sabukia-Gilgil, Contractor and Farmer - first meeting of creditors
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Plateau North - William Broadhead Williams, Farmer PO Kitale
Gazette 17 Jan 1917 Rev W.B. Williams?
Was a gold prospector on S. African death cert.

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