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Name: BARCLAY, Arthur Victor
Birth Date: 11 Aug 1887 Westcott, Surrey
Death Date: 3 Feb 1964 Galway ?27 Nov 1963 Galway (Nat. Probate Calendar)
First Date: 1913
Profession: Farmed near Cara Buxton and was a very good friend of hers. Severely wounded in WW1. Cara Buxton went to see him in hospital in S. Africa. Bovill - Pioneer in tea. After WW1 farmed at Lumbwa
Area: 1925 Lumbwa, 1920 Kericho
Married: In Dublin 1918 Katherine Helen Willcox b. 9 June 1891 France, d. 19 June 1943 Dublin
Children: Marion Jean (31 Oct 1919 London-1980)
Book Reference: Gillett, Red 25, Hut, EAMR, Land, Gazette, Red Book 1912, Web, Red 19, Gillett, Red 25, Hut, EAMR, Land, Gazette, Red Book 1912, Web, Red 19
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - A Sqdn 7/8/14 - To KAR
General Information:
Land - 1911 - A.V. Barclay - Grazing and agricultural, 3745 acres (Farm No. 126) - Uasin Gishu - 14/12/10 - Leasehold under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/2/11 - Registered 13/6/11
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Lumbwa
Red Book 1912 - A.V. Barclay - Lumbwa
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - Arthur Victor Barclay - Farmer - Lumbwa
Red Book 1919 - Capt. A V Barclay - Settler - Kericho
Cara - Dec. 1917 - 'I went straight to the hospital and found Arthur .... The bad leg is still very swelled, but the wounds are both healed ...... The bad leg is quite 2 inches shorter than the other. It is rather tragic, but he is so cheery about it ......... He is to start home in about a month's time .….…
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - East Africa Supply Corps - To be Lieutenant - A.W.J. Barclay
Nicholls - WW1 - Cara Buxton - She kept Arthur Barclay's farm and shops running and even opened 2 new stores for him, trading in flour, honey and blankets for Maasai skins which she railed to Mombasa for leather exports to Europe.
1939 England and Wales Register living in Dorking with wife and dau
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