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Name: BLUNT, Winifred Enid, Mrs
Nee: Dent, Mrs Mason, daughter of Richard Edward Dent
Birth Date: 26 Sep 1910
Death Date: 5 June 2011 Sedburgh
First Date: 1912
Last Date: 1973
Area: Kiambu
Married: 1. 1935 Geoffrey Wier Mason (d. 1935); 2. 1938 Commander David Enderby Blunt (1891-1971)
Children: Sarah Rose (1941); John Nicholas De Guisnes 'Nicky' (1940-2018)
Book Reference: EAWL, EA & Rhodesia
School: England 1919-31
General Information:
East Africa & Rhodesia - 26/5/55 - Mrs Winifred Enid Blunt has received the Queen's Commendation for brave conduct. She was accompanying her husband, Commander David Enderby Blunt after wild game in Kenya in February 1954, when he was knocked down and gored by a wounded buffalo. Mrs Blunt seized a shotgun from a nearby Indian, fired it at the buffalo from short range, and, as the animal moved back into the bush, dragged her husband to safety.