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Name: MAGEEAN, Frederick Alexander
Birth Date: 1883 Belfast, Antrim
Death Date: 1925 Farnham, Surrey
First Date: 1905
Profession: Accountant, Secretary of Parklands Sports Club in 1906
Area: Nairobi, 1914 Kampala
Married: Agnes Ellen (separated by 1921)
Book Reference: Red Book 1912, Gillett, SE, HBEA, Drumkey, Land, EAHB 1906, North, EAHB 1907, Leader14
War Service: Military accountant
General Information:
SE - F.A. Mageean - Sept 1907
Land - 1907 - F.A. Mageean - Agricultural, 11.5 acres, Katisura River, 14-12-05, Registered 26-9-07
Leader14 - Advert. - Auditor and Accountant, Planters' and General Agent Ancestry - Enlisted as Military Accountant in 1921 and advised that he was separated from wife.
Gazette 23/1/1918 - PO Savings Bank - Deposits not claimed for 5 years - Frederick Alexander Mageean