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Name: MAJOR, Francis William CMG, ISO

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Birth Date: 1863 Leeward Islands

Death Date: 7.8.1923 Woldingham, Surrey

First Date: 1908. Entered Civil Service 1885, served in Trinidad, Gold Coast, Bermuda

Profession: Chief of Customs, EA & Uganda Protectorates, Member Legislative Council

Area: Served in EA for about 15 years, Mombasa, 1907 Three Trees Farm Limuru

Married: In Torquay 30 Apr 1895 Eleanor Laura Louisa Pyne b. 1868 Montserrat, W. Indies, d. 1936 Wokingham

Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Cuckoo, Permanent Way, KAD, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Red 22, Pioneers, Medals, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19

General Information:

Cuckoo - 1908 - new Chief of Customs - transferred from Jamaica to relieve A.S. Marsden.
Cuckoo - He was a charming man, and had earned great fame as a batsman in cricket circles of the West Indies.
Playne - Mr Major was appointed Chief of Customs in March of last year (1908), and arrived in the Protectorate on April 9th following. Mr Major, who was born in 1863, commenced his official career as 5th Clerk in the Treasury, Trinidad, in 1885. His next sphere was the Gold Coast, where he was Supervisor of Customs, Asst. Comptroller of Customs, and Asst. Treasurer (all in 1891). Having acted as Comptroller of Customs on various occasions, he was appointed to that office in 1895. In June, 1899, he became Receiver-General of Bermuda, and prepared a scheme (which was approved by the Secretary of State) for the improvement of the financial administration of the Colony.
Drumkey - Apr. 20 1908 - At the Mombasa Club, a number of the members of the mercantile community entertained Mr A. Marsden on the occasion of his departure for Calcutta and Mr W.F. Major, the newly appointed Chief of Customs. The Indian community presented Mr Marsden with a silver casket.
Drumkey 1909 - Customs Dept. - Chief of Customs
Pioneers - Limuru - Three Tree Farm - Margot Howard - We bought Three Tree Farm from a Mr & Mrs Major in 1914. Mr Major met us at the station with a buggy drawn by two horses. It was dark and misty, and he had enjoyed a long wait in Holmes' store, which possessed a bar. He threw us into the buggy and scrambled into the driver's seat and off we went. One of the horses had been attacked by a lion, had huge claw marks on its back and was terrified of the dark - so were we. It is justifiable to say that there were no roads: only tracks of red mud which became worse during the rains. And how it rained!
Medals - Mombasa Defence Force - No. 9302, Private
Red Book 1912 - F.W. Major - Mombasa
Red Book 1912 - Currency Commissioner
Gazette 15/4/1908 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Chief of Customs - 9/4/1908
KAD 1922 - Chief of Customs
Gazette - 12/9/1923 - Obituary - death of Mr F.W. Major CMG, ISO, late Commissioner of Customs, which occurred at Woldingham, Surrey on August 7th last
Phyllida Cockell papers The Chief of Customs for both Kenya and Uganda was Mr Major who was autocratic and non-cooperative as well as being ambitious. He managed to persuade the governor that he should manage and control the ports as well as remain Chief of Customs. Within the day of this appointment Mr John Wilson of Smith Mackenzie who was one of the two nominated members of the Legislative Council, arranged to meet the governor in Nairobi where he insisted that this new appointment should be canceled. Wilson succeeded in getting his way but as long as Major remained chief of customs there was friction between him and the firm.

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