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Name: BARGMAN, Hans Ferdinand

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Nee: Hans Gustav Friedrich Ferdinand Bargmann

Birth Date: 29 July 1883 Hamburg

Death Date: 1963 St Albans, cremated 11 Mar

First Date: 1909

Profession: Sisal/rubber/coconut business. Equator saw mills. Nairobi Coffee Curing Company

Area: Nyeri, Box 467, Nairobi, 1909 Masongaleni Kibwezi

Married: In Nairobi 1921 Maud McKenzie b. 13 Aug 1893, d. 1981 Buckinghamshire

Children: Hugh (1924); John M. (1922); David (1927); Ann (1929)

Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Karen 50, Hut, Red 22, Red Book 1912, Web, Gazette, Red 19

War Service: Served at Coast in Intelligence in early years of WW1

School: Dulwich College

General Information:

Spent 10 years in London and South Africa with the Standard Bank of South Africa. In 1909 he arrived in EA and gained much experience in the fibre industry at Masongeleni, Kibwezi and Gazi. After WW1 and for more than 38 years, he was largely concerned with dealings in sisal, rubber, coconut and other commodities. In 1919 he managed the Equator Saw Mills and in 1921, the year in which he married, he joined a saw-milling venture at Nyeri. In 1923 he took over the management of, and later purchased, the Nairobi Coffee Curing Company. He was an active member of the Nairobi Chamber of Commerce and a Vice-President of the Nairobi Association. His death was a sad loss to Nairobi.
Red 22 - H. Bargman, E.A. Standard, Nairobi
Red Book 1912 - H. Bargman - Machakos
Web - The Bargman(n) family left southern Denmark after the area had been had been annexed by the Bismarck of Germany. My Grand Father Hans Ferdinand Bargman(n) moved to Africa where after trying a number of things took to milling coffee in Nairobi . Here he married a McKenzie Scotswoman Maud , and after the Kenyan Farmers uprising the Mau Mau came with the family to the UK. Where now there are only five families of Bargman(n)'s all related.
Web - President of Nairobi Rotary Club - 1943-44
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi (South) - Hans Bargman - Settler - Ainsworth Bridge, Nairobi
Red Book 1919 - H F Bargman - Nairobi House, Nairobi
Karen 50 - One of the original members of Karen Club in 1937 (Mr & Mrs)
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Hans Ferdinand Bargman, Coffee Miller, Box 467, Riverdale and Mrs Maud Bargman, Married woman, Riverdale

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