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Name: CAMPBELL, Donald Brightwell
Birth Date: 8 Mar 1903 Hornsey
Death Date: 17 Dec 1971 St Helier
First Date: 1927
Profession: Land and estate agent, Nakuru
Area: Nakuru
Married: Winifred Helen Christopher b. 4 June 1910 Goring, Oxon.
Children: one son
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Rift Valley
General Information:
Donald Campbell - Kenya Regiment 4287
Rift Valley - Jan 1928 - 'That the Annual General Meeting be held after 2.30 pm and not in the morning so that all town members might have the chance to attend.'
Rift Valley - 1928 - 'We understand that after the next committee meeting tennis players will be expected to provide their own tennis balls as the tennis section is showing such a big loss. Why should all players be penalised because one or two regular players demand and receive new balls every time they appear on the courts? We suggest that new balls be issued at regular intervals to each court & should a player, owing to exceptional circumstances, require new balls, on other than the recognised days, such requirement should be made in writing & signed by all the players on the particular court.'
Rift Valley - Member of the Rift Valley Sports Club - Jan 1929 - Elected - 21 Jun 1927 - Donald B. Campbell
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Voters List Rift Valley
Gazette 9 June 1972 probate