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Name: BARKER, G. H.
Birth Date: ?1880
First Date: 1907 - from Egypt where he had been for some years
Profession: A keen horseman, fond of hunting, he bought land in the Kedong Valley, and established a mixed farm there, growing sufficient grain for all his livestock.
Area: Kedong Valley, Kijabe & the Coast
Book Reference: Gillett, Hut, Playne, Land, AJ
General Information:
Later, leaving a manager in charge, he directed his attention to the Coast [this is similar to Edmund Clayton Barker] where he bought large areas of land on which he hoped to grow rubber, cotton and sisal. He found his Kijabe farm proved more profitable, despite great damage done by the strong winds which used to sweep through the farm, and the loss of animals by lions and other wild game.
Playne - Mr Barker's farm at Rhino Road, Kedong Valley - Mr Barker only came from Egypt in December 1907, for the purpose of shooting, took this farm early in 1908, and occupied it in July 1908. Yet the whole 5000 acres are to be fenced during 1909 ......... Mr F.J. Cooper, who is Mr Barker's manager, came from South Africa in 1906, and started farming at Molo, but sold out in August 1907 to Messrs Abraham Brothers, and became manager to Mr Barker in July 1908. In the meantime he took up a lot of land at the coast for rubber, cotton and sisal planting, and also travelled about generally. Mr Barker is a gentleman jockey, and raced successfully and considerably in Egypt. His idea now is to run a stud farm. It remains to add that his farm is about 12 miles from Kijabe and Escarpment Stations.
Land - 1908 - G.H. Barker - Agricultural and grazing, 1010 acres, Kedong, 26-1-08, Registered 26-11-08
Land - 1908 - G.H. Barker - Grazing, 4048.2 acres, Kedong, 26-1-08, Registered 24-12-08
Agricultural Journal - Brands Allotted and Registered, September 1908 - G.H. Barker, Rhino Road, Kedong, Escarpment - Naivasha V7B