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Name: McCALLUM, Alexander Heads
Nee: son of Archibald McCallum 1839-1923, of S. Africa
Birth Date: 1890
First Date: 1912
Profession: Police Superintendent
Area: Dar es Salaam 1926. Retired to live at Malindi, 1922 Marsabit
Married: Kathleen b. 1889
Children: James Alexander, safari agent (1926); Ian farmed at Oldeani; Patricia Elizabeth (1928)
Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Hut, EAMR, Colonial, Red 22, Medals
War Service: EAMR has A.H. McCallum - F Sqdn. 13/8/14 - 29/10/14 - L/Cpl. 20/8/14. Colonial - GEA Campaign 1916-18, Trooper
School: Daniel Stewart's College Edinburgh
General Information:
Red 22 has A. McCallum, Police, Dar es Salaam AND Lieut. A. McCallum, MC, 3rd KAR, Marsabit
Medals - East African Intelligence Department - Alexander H. McCallum, EAMR, No. 429, Warrant Officer Class 2
KAD 1922 has Lieut. A. McCallum MC, 3rd KAR, NFD.
Red 25 has A.H. McCallum, Eldama Ravine. (Hut the same).
Colonial - Tanganyika Terr. Police 1918; Asst. Inspr. 1919; Inspr. 1920; Asst. Supt. 1923; Supt. 1928; Ag. Dep. Comsnr. 1931
Gazette - 7/3/1923 - Dissolution of partnership between Frederick Effingham Potter and Alexander Heads McCallum .…… to be carried on by A.H. McCallum
His sister Johanna Elizabeth McCallum b. 23 Apr 1889 Middelburg, d. 1953 Nakuru, married Henry Cornelius Maytham 1873-1953
Ancestry Family Tree has Alexander Heads McCallum born 1872 Scotland, died 13 July 1907 Gauteng, S. Africa